Hlavní nabídka:
Zbraslavice 2014
Czech Republic
1. General
1.1. Organizer
1.1.1. The 2nd Two Seater and Retro Glider Aerobatic Cup 2014 (TSGAC) will take place under the auspices of the Czech National Aeroclub.
1.1.2. The operational Organizer is Aeroklub Zbraslavice, Airfield Zbraslavice, Czech republic
1.2. Place and Date
1.2.1. The event will take place at Zbraslavice Airfield, located about 63 km southeast from Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic.
1.2.2. Airfield Zbraslavice (LKZB) information:
Location: 2.2 km GEO 080 Zbraslavice
Operational hours: APR-
Otherwise O/R only
Customs and immigration: NILL
Aerodrome operator: Aeroclub Zbraslavice o.s.
Address: letiste 252, 285 21 Zbraslavice
Phone/FAX: +420 327 591 286
Fuel grades: AVGAS 100LL , BA 95 N
Oil grades: AEROSHELL 100W, AEROSHELL 100
Hangar space: Limited, by prior arrangement with AD OPR
ARP: 49 48 51 N, 015 12 06 E
ELEV: 1861 ft / 493 m
FREQ: 126,625 MHz Zbraslavice Info
RWY: 15/33 780 x 150 m grass
1.2.3. The event will take place in the period of time: May 15th to May 18th 2014.
1.3. Familiarization and Training Flights
1.3.1. Familiarization flights at Zbraslavice Airfield will be possible from May 13th till May 14th 2014. The competition box will be marked during familiarization flight days.
1.3.2. Earlier training flights are possible with previous agreement of the Organizer. In case of need, please contact the Organizer via e-
1.3.3. Training at other airfields in LZDB vicinity is possible with previous agreement with the Organizer. In case of need, please contact the Organizer via e-
1.3.4. Slots for familiarization training days will be published using the information system at www.acro-
1.4. Schedule
1.4.1. Official working hours of the Contest Office and Organizers will be from 08.00 to half an hour after the landing of the last competitor.
1.4.2. These hours are valid for any official inquiries or information or deposit of claims/protest concerning the contest during the contest’s period.
1.4.3. All times are stated in local time (LT=UTC+2 hrs).
1.4.4. The Schedule may be changed due to technical and organizational reasons as well as the weather conditions.
1.4.5. One additional day in the Schedule is included for cancellations of flights due to weather and due to organizational reasons.
1.4.6. Everyone participating is also invited to hangar party with lot of food, drinks, music and fun on 17th May (SAT) after Closing and Awarding ceremony at the airfield.
1.4.7. Competition schedule:
12th – 13th May (MON -
Free Training Days
14th May (WED)
Familiarisation flights
18:00 Opening Briefing
15th – 16th May (THU -
8:00 Briefing
9:00 -
13:00 -
14:00 -
17th May (SAT)
8:00 Briefing
9:00 -
13:00 -
14:00 -
17:30 Awarding and Closing Ceremony
19:00 Closing Dinner & Party
18th May (SUN)
8:00 -
13:00 Airshow
2. Regulations
2.1. Rules
2.1.1. The 2nd Two Seater and Retro Glider Aerobatic Cup 2014 (TSGAC) will be conducted according to the following rules:
• Czech National Aerobatic Rules 2014
• FAI Sporting Code – General Section,
• FAI Sporting Code – Section 6 Part 2,
• Flight Rules published by the Civil Aviation Authorities of the Slovak Republic,
• Local Regulations.
Note: Czech National Aerobatic Rulebook is based on the FAI Sporting Code, Section 6 and General Section. The Rulebook contains only specific rules modifications. All other untouched statements in the FAI Sporting Codes are valid as is.
2.2. Categories
2.2.1. The TSGAC 2014 will be conducted in following categories:
• Two Seaters – Two seater acro gliders with exception of MDM-
• Retro – Acro gliders with at least 50 or more years from its first prototype takeoff.
Note: Category will be opened when there are at least 3 competitors.
2.3. The Box and positioning
2.3.1. Standard box according to FAI Sporting Code, Section 6 Part 2 will be marked except center line “I” marks. “T” and/or corners and cross will be deployed.
2.3.2. No Line Judges will be used.
2.3.3. Box infringements will be evaluated electronically using advanced HMD units supplied by the Organizer.
3. Official Language
3.1. Official Language
3.1.1. The official languages during the 2nd TSGAC 2014 is Czech and English. The language of all communications and briefings is English if any non-
4. Participation, Competitors and Aircrafts
4.1. Participants
4.1.1. Any competitor may participate at the 2nd TSGAC. Competitors from same countries will be grouped into teams. Teams will be represented by the Team manager.
4.1.2. Participants may participate as national team member or as an independent. Independent competitors will be excluded from team results. They will not be excluded from overall results.
4.1.3. Each competitor has to be a holder of:
• a valid Glider Pilot License with an aerobatic extension according to competitors national legislation,
• a valid Medical certificate,
• a valid personal insurance policy.
4.2. Aircraft
4.2.1. All participating aircraft must satisfy the performance criteria essential for competition flights in the advanced/unlimited aerobatic category.
4.2.2. For all competing aircraft a valid Certificate of Airworthiness of the related country must be presented.
4.2.3. For all competing aircraft using the airspace of the Slovak Republic, liability insurance must be concluded with respect to damage caused by operation of that aircraft to third parties covering a minimum amount in SDR (Special Drawing Rights) or in equivalent value of any other freely convertible currencies, for the aircraft with MTOW as mentioned below:
• MTOW up to 500 kg 750.000 SDR (approx. 870.000 EUR)
• MTOW above 500 kg to 1000 kg 1.500.000 SDR (approx. 1.800.000 EUR)
4.2.4. Each competing aircraft must be insured against 3rd Party Public Liability, according to EU Regulation (EC) No. 785/2004, claims with a minimum amount as mentioned above according to MTOW. Aircraft arriving in the Slovak Republic must be able to present their insurance policy with a copy in English, certified by the Insurance Company.
4.2.5. Each competition glider should have mounted a unit for placing the altimeter encoder for using the HMD. HMD mount has to be in compliance with FAI Sporting Code, Section 6 Part 2, 10.7.1. Organizer will provide mounting of the HMD holder free of charge, but competitor is responsible to note Organizer in sufficient time prior to the contest.
4.2.6. Hangar space for competing aircraft will be available free of charge for the period of the Championship.
4.2.7. In case of insufficient hangar capacity, priority will be determined by the Organizer. In case of doubt, the order of received applications to the contest will be taken in account.
Note: Available hangar capacity is 30 glider aircrafts!
5. Entries and Registration
5.1. Deadline for the Entries
5.1.1. The Preliminary Entry should be provided to the Organizer not later than March 31st 2013.
5.1.2. The Official Entry Forms must be provided to the Organizer not later than April 31th 2013.
5.1.3. No additional fees will incur in case of payment on site.
5.1.4. Entry Fee payment must be done till Opening briefing (till May 14th, 18:00).
5.1.5. Any participant wishing to query the arrival and clearance of their fees should contact the Organizer using e-
5.1.6. Entry Fee must be paid in full amount and bank fees must be charged to sender’s account.
5.2. Registration
5.2.1. Registration can be made using following communication channels:
• Ordinary mail -
• Electronically using email – use email address vlp@lkzb.cz in which case registrations should be considered as valid after confirmation.
• FAX – use the telephone number specified in part 11.2,
• Electronically using the information system at website www.acro-
5.2.2. The Organizers would ask Competitors, Officials, Team Members and Observers registration to use the information system at website www.acro-
5.2.3. In case of any problems with signup, registration or any other relevant issues, please contact the system administrator at vlp@lkzb.cz or admin@acro-
5.3. Free sequence submission
5.3.1. The Free sequence of each competitor should be submitted not later than at the opening briefing.
5.3.2. The information system at www.acro-
5.3.3. As a second option, competitors may submit their Free sequence to the e-
5.3.4. Free sequences should be submitted using either Microsoft Visio Aresti software or Olan file format. PDF file format or even hand drawn hard copies of the complete ABC form with the competitor’s Free sequence will be also accepted.
Note: Competitors are advised to use new sequence drawing system at www.openaero.net. It’s free of charge and fully updated. Functionality is very close to OLAN system.
6. Entry Fees
6.1. Entry Fees
6.1.1. Entry Fees are specified as follows:
• Crew/Competitor: 1500 CZK (approx. 60 EUR)
Note: There is one entry fee for crew for two-
6.1.2. To pay the Entry fee please use the bank details provided in the paragraph 12.1.1
6.1.3. The entry fee covers:
• Official and social functions.
• Program arranged by the Organizer.
6.1.4. Full amount of the entry fee will be refunded if competitor withdraws from the competition before beginning of the Opening briefing.
6.1.5. No entry fee will be refunded if competitor withdraws from the competition after beginning of the Opening briefing.
7. Towing
7.1.1. Towing will be provided using two towing planes plus one as a back-
7.2. Towing Costs
• Towing – 1250m 1 060 CZK (approx. 41 EUR 41)
• Towing – 850m 820 CZK (approx. 33 EUR)
7.2.1. Prices will be the same for training and competition flights.
8. Protests
8.1. Protest Fee
8.1.1. Protest must be submitted accompanied by the payment of 1000 CZK (approx. 39 EUR)
9. Accommodation and catering
9.1. Accommodation
9.1.1. Organizer will help with securing accommodation. In case of need please contact the Organizer using information at pa.
9.1.2. Camp will be situated at LKZB airfield area with cost of 90 CZK (approx. 4 EUR)/night per person.
9.1.3. Accommodation at the airfield (2-
9.1.4. Hotel Hubert Zbraslavice (approx. 1 km from the airfield) www.hotel-
9.1.5. Hotel Agnes Bohdaneč (approx. 6 km from airfield) www.agneshotel.cz
Note: Accommodation services for competitors are not included in the entry fee.
9.2. Catering
9.2.1. Three meals per day and refreshment for all participants will be available in local restaurant. One half of the restaurant/briefing room will be fully dedicated to competitors/officials.
Note: Catering services for competitors are not included in the entry fee.
10. Officials
10.1.1. Officials will be announced later at contest website.
11. Contact
11.1. Address for Correspondence
Aeroklub Zbraslavice o.s.
TSGAC 2014
letiště, č.p. 252
285 21 Zbraslavice
11.2. Other communications:
Phone: +420 327 591 286
+420 602 954 478
FAX: +420 327 591 286
Web: www.tsgac.cz
12. Entry Fee Payment Details
12.1.1. All Entry Fees should be paid to:
Account holder name: Aeroklub Zbraslavice
Name of Bank: Česká Spořitelna a.s.
Account Number (IBAN): CZ0208000000000441214389
Remark: TSGAC 2014
13. The Box